Where is all this construction happening??

To orient those who knew the old site - pour s'orienter si vous connaissez l'ancien site: -Note lake on the left and Chemin du Lac on the right. -The grey area is the old site no longer owned by Quebec Lodge (note Rec Hall on lower left). -The white area is the new site. The entrance to the new site is maybe 60 metres south (down) from the entrance to Pioneer, but on the lake side of the road. -Note that Pioneer and the Pine Forest are not shown. These are both retained by the new Quebec Lodge. -The parking lots (both sides of road), the playing field and the yurt village closest to Lodge have been built. The Lodge is currently under construction. -The Lodge is oriented to look north through the site, rather than looking over the drop-off to the stream as shown here. -The forest play area has not yet been cleared, but brush, deadfall, and dead trees have begun to be cleared from the area this fall. -Boardwalk is still under consideration. A footpath was built along the north side of the wetland in 2016. -Director's house not in plans at the moment, but a small all-season building that would be cheaper to heat than Lodge has been discussed. -The second yurt village, currently planned for 2020, may be built about 40 metres south (and a bit east) of the topmost campfire site (not the #7 campfire site), across a small depression. -Credit to Oscar Hache, Landscape Architect, for this design from 2012.